Sunday 8 May 2016

Too Damn Hot!

It's been a beautiful weekend. I knew it was going to be warm today but I still wanted to try 8 laps of Norman Park, having done six last week. It's started off well as it usually does. I wanted to run approximately 9 minute miles but did the first in 8:30. I deliberately slowed after that but the heat was nasty and I decided fairly quickly that 8 laps was going to be horrid. Besides, I had a BBQ to get home and prepare for. Pride wouldn't let me do less than last week though, so I did 6 laps again and topped it up slightly to 7 miles. Even so, having stopped twice in the last mile for water my pace had dropped to 9:59. It was far too hot. My average pace for the 7 miles was 9:27. This is still (just) within world record pace but I couldn't have kept it up for much longer today. When I got back to the car it was telling me the temperature was 28 degrees. It's highly unlikely to be that warm in April next year and I sincerely hope it isn't!
Somebody in the park asked me if I was a Petts Wood Runner training for the marathon. I'm assuming they too are a PWR but I'm afraid I'm not sure who it was. Hello to you if you're reading this and thanks for your 'good luck' message.
I've decided I won't bother blogging about not losing control of the balls any more. You can just assume I haven't. It's extremely rare that it happens now (but for one last time, it didn't happen today).
I booked my place in the Copenhagen half marathon this week and also my flights. REALLY looking forward to that!

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