Monday 21 March 2016

Oh the irony!

So, very pleased with Silverstone. What I neglected to mention though was the injury I picked up after the race, not thinking it would be a big deal at the time. I managed to finish the race without major incident but whilst queuing for the St John's people to look at my fingers I thought I'd take off the chest harness that was holding the camera I was wearing. In trying to wriggle out of that I managed to partially dislocate a rib. Usually one trip to the osteopath sorts me out but I had to go three times last week and it's still not fixed. It seems that running  13.1 miles slightly hunched, as I was with the basketballs, has put additional strain on my back. Once that rib moved all the muscles have tightened up around it and this tightness is preventing it from popping back into place permanently. So I'm taking lots of ibuprofen and icing it several times a day in order to reduce the swelling and relax the muscles. I'll have to go back to the osteopath later in the week to see if I can finally be fixed. I really need to be running. The Brighton marathon is fast approaching.
While I've been injured I've had time to edit the footage I shot at Silverstone. It's up on YouTube now:

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