Sunday, 29 November 2015

We don't mind you overtaking but...

I had to get out early today. Mum & dad are over and the children were booked in at Go Ape at Leeds Castle at 11:30. It was a rush but I wanted to have a go at six laps today.
To say it was windy was an understatement. A Facebook friend had described the weather as 'apocalyptic'. Now I wouldn't have gone that far but it was flippin' blowy down that back straight of the park today. I really had to keep low. Gusts of wind were blowing the balls backwards! so it was good handling practice. I considered doing just the five laps today due to the wind and time constraints but I managed to complete six laps as originally planned.
Six laps are 6.84 miles and I did it today in just over an hour - 1:00:45 to be precise, which makes my average pace per mile 8:53. I'm disappointed that this was a slower pace than last week but I have to give myself a bit of a break due to the weather.
There were more 'Wow!'s  from children and a 'Woah!' from a grown up but todays reaction of the day was from two older gentlemen running round the park on my last lap. People I overtake obviously hear me coming long before I reach them and these guys had been looking over their shoulders for a while. As I approached, one said: 'We don't mind you overtaking but not while you're bouncing two balls!'.
'Sorry gents. I'm nearly finished.'
I won't be able to do the planned seven laps next Sunday as I'm running the Seaford Mince Pie 10 Mile race (without basketballs). Maybe I can fit it in the following Tuesday Morning.

It's dirty work

Sunday, 22 November 2015

Hit by a Frisbee!

Well, it was my birthday yesterday and I had a great day but didn't drink myself into oblivion. So I was reasonably fresh when I went to the park at 3pm today. It was much quieter than it was last Sunday morning but there were still quite a few people about. Bitterly cold though! but no wind to contend with. Because of the cold I had to put quite a bit of extra air in the balls to make them bounce properly. Also because of the cold, I decided to dig out my old Bromley basketball shorts to wear instead of my usual running shorts. They're huge and much warmer.
I wanted to do an extra lap today and managed it with ease. I didn't lose either ball despite a couple of scares. I still managed to maintain the dribble even when I was hit in the leg by a Frisbee! I've no idea where it came from. It kind of came from the side. There was no "Sorry!" so I'm not sure if it was an accident or if I was targeted. I didn't have time to stop and look. I just carried on.
A few more comments again today. Mostly from children. My favourite today from a little girl on a scooter aged about 3 or 4: "How DOES he do that?!"
So my five laps covered 5.72 miles and I did it in a time of 47:44 which is an average of 8:20 per mile. At that pace I could beat the record by more than half an hour! I know it's going to get tougher as the miles increase though.
Six laps next week.

Sunday, 15 November 2015


So, my second long run went really well too. Didn't lose control of either ball at all. I had a couple of 'moments' but I recovered them. What made today tricky was the wind. Coming down the back straight of the park was a really strong wind which made control more difficult. I had to keep the balls lower on this stretch of path. Four laps of the park or 4.52 miles took me 38:57 which is an average pace of 8:37 per mile. To beat the current record I'll need to maintain an average pace of 9:30 per mile so I'm running a fast pace at the moment if I can maintain that pace as I increase the distance.
I have mapped out on my calendar what distances I want to run each week with the two balls. I intend going to the park every Sunday and doing one extra lap each time. Last week three laps, this week four, next week five etc. I've built in a few weeks where I'll run the same distance for consecutive weeks and I'm not kidding myself I'll run on December 27th. However, by the end of February I should be doing 11 laps which is approximately 12.3 miles. Two weeks later will be the Silverstone Half.
I did overhear someone mutter "F***ing hell!" as I dribbled past them getting out of their car and another runner who had stopped for a chat with some friends said a more polite "That's really good!" as I ran past. My favourite heckle of the day, however, came from some cheeky footballers who on my 4th lap were calling over to me "Oi, mate! Have you got the time! Ha, ha, ha!" And if you're having trouble picturing that, it's not easy to look at your wrist whilst dribbling two balls. I just responded with a smile and a "Very funny!"
I felt good after last weeks run but my shoulders did ache a little on the Monday. Not horribly but enough to tell me they'd had a good workout. I'm expecting the same tomorrow.
Obviously I'm running mid-week too but not with the balls. These runs are just to build my general running stamina, besides, it gets dark very early at the moment and I'm not dribbling round the park in the dark. I won't be writing about these runs because that would be REALLY dull. Just assume I'm doing them.
So, all is well so far. Next Saturday is my birthday so I'll have to see how I feel about those five laps I had planned but I hope to still do them even if I have to leave it until the afternoon.

Sunday, 8 November 2015

Day 1 - first long run

What am I doing? A quick bit of history.
In the summer of 2015 I stumbled across an article about an American who ran the London Marathon dribbling two basketballs, setting a new world record. I looked at his time of 4:10:44 and thought; "I could do it quicker than that". So I decided to ask Guinness World Records for permission to challenge for the title. They accepted my application and so begins 18 months of training leading up to London 2017 when I intend claiming the record for Britain! Although this blog will be freely available online I'm going to keep it fairly quiet until after I've done the Silverstone Half and have a better feel for the challenge I've set myself. So here we go!

Apart from a three mile trial I did with the children's mini-basketballs some weeks ago, today was my first long run attempt with two (full size) balls. That first 3 mile test was tougher than I expected and I lost control a number of times. Today it was wet and there were leaves and sticks littering the path around Norman Park. However, I was really pleased with how it went. I only lost a ball once and that was right at the end when I was squeezing past a gate. I did 3.38 miles in 28:11 which is well inside the pace I would need to run to break the record. Of course I would have to keep that pace up for another 23 miles! but it's a good start. The two balls that Molten sent me to test were both fine. I'll train with the two different balls for a while before I decide which to use for racing. The Silverstone half marathon people have agreed to let me run their race with two balls on March 13th so that is my immediate training target. I know I can do it, it's just a case of how fast I can do it and how much it takes out of me. Once I've completed this race I will have a better idea of how realistic this record attempt is. If I'm happy I can do it, it's at this point I will approach the charity I think I will run for during my record attempt at London 2017 and talk to them about publicity opportunities.
I felt a bit awkward in the park today, worried that the many people in the park might think I was a bit of a dick or just an outrageous show-off. Small children were pointing and adults were saying 'yes dear'. I overtook three other joggers going clockwise round the park which must've been a bit demoralising for them although I've no idea how far the were going. An Alsation pup got a bit excited at one point and jumped around in front of me wanting to play ball but I kept control ok. Overall very happy but got very dirty hands.