Friday, 21 October 2016

I'm still here!

Just a quick update as it's been nearly four weeks since my last post. I haven't done any running since the Bristol Half. I haven't even re-inflated my basketballs since I got back. I was always going to take a couple of weeks out but after the visible bruising from my fall healed I was still left with considerable discomfort on my left side, especially when trying to sleep. I've now had it looked at by both my Physio and my Osteopath and they've pretty much said the same thing, which is encouraging:
Falling onto the tarmac and crushing my Garmin into my ribs has bruised my costal cartilage. Apparently I'm lucky. If I'd dislocated a rib at the affected point there's no putting it back, you just have to live with it. However, it could still take 10 weeks for it to heal properly. But when I'm ready I can run again. I don't have to wait for another 6 weeks and although it will hurt, I'm told that it will not delay the healing process. Armed with this information I intend having a little trot out on Monday. In the meantime I have to regularly ice it.

I've been trying to confirm that I still have a deferred place at the Autumn Shakespeare Half on 12 November. I was unable to run the Summer race and so should have a place in three weeks time for the Autumn one. We'll see. If I can start running again this coming week I should be fit enough for it. Better get those balls pumped up.
That watch hurt when I hit the tarmac